Viz Media Dragon Ball Super 19

O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Gokuvo dobrodružstvo pokračuje v pokračovaní Dragon Ball od samotného Toriyamu!Odkedy sa Goku stal najväčším hrdinom Zeme a porazil zlého Booa pomocou siedmich Dračích Gúľ, jeho život sa stal trochu nudným. Nové hrozby však visia nad hlavou a Goku sa spolu s priateľmi bude musieť opäť postaviť na obranu planéty v tomto pokračovaní bestselleru od Akiru Toriyamu, Dragon Ball!Zdá sa, že zúrivý útok Granolaha má Gasa v šachu, no najmladší člen Heeterovcov odhalí svoju pravú povahu a rozpúta útok, akému naši hrdinovia ešte nikdy nečelili! Možno však kľúč k porážke Gasa leží v spomienkach na Bardocka, Gokuovho dávno mŕtveho otca?! O komikse (manga) v angličtine:Goku’s adventure from the best-selling classic manga Dragon Ball continues in this new series written by Akira Toriyama himself!Ever since Goku became Earth’s greatest hero and gathered the seven Dragon Balls to defeat the evil Boo, his life on Earth has grown a little dull. But new threats loom overhead, and Goku and his friends will have to defend the planet once again in this continuation of Akira Toriyama’s best-selling series, Dragon Ball!Granolah’s fierce assault seems to have Gas on the ropes until the youngest Heeters member unleashes his inner nature, leading to an all-out assault like nothing any of our heroes have ever encountered before! But perhaps the key to defeating Gas has something to do with memories of Bardock, Goku’s long-dead father?!
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