Viz Media Dragon Ball Super 18

O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Gokuove dobrodružstvá pokračujú v novom pokračovaní Dragon Ball!Odkedy sa Goku stal najväčším hrdinom Zeme a porazil zloducha Booa pomocou siedmich dračích gúľ, jeho život na Zemi trochu zovšednel. Nové hrozby však číhajú na obzore a Goku sa spolu s priateľmi bude musieť opäť postaviť na obranu planéty v tomto pokračovaní bestselleru od Akiru Toriyamu, Dragon Ball!Bitka medzi Granolahom a Gokuom vrcholí! Granolah je ochotný obetovať svoj život, aby so sebou vzal na druhý svet aj Vegetu! Ale Monaito má pre všetkých troch bojovníkov dôležité rozprávanie - pravdu o tom, čo sa pred rokmi stalo na planéte Cereal... O komikse (manga) v angličtine:Goku’s adventure from the best-selling classic manga Dragon Ball continues in this new series written by Akira Toriyama himself!Ever since Goku became Earth’s greatest hero and gathered the seven Dragon Balls to defeat the evil Boo, his life on Earth has grown a little dull. But new threats loom overhead, and Goku and his friends will have to defend the planet once again in this continuation of Akira Toriyama’s best-selling series, Dragon Ball!Granolah and Goku’s battle reaches its climax! And Granolah is willing to put his life on the line to take Vegeta down with him too! But Monaito has an important tale for all three fighters—the truth about what happened on planet Cereal all those years ago…
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