Yen Press That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 2 (Light Novel)

O knihe (light novela) v slovenčine:37-ročný Satoru Mikami dostal nový život, keď sa reinkarnoval do iného sveta...ako sliz menom Rimuru Tempest. Ale s pomocou jeho dôvtipu, jeho novonadobudnutých síl a trochy šťastia začal budovať dedinu goblinov, vlkov a trpaslíkov! Rimuru ešte nevie, ale jeho príchod prináša veľké zmeny do jeho nového sveta... O knihe (light novela) v angličtine:37-year-old Satoru Mikami got a new lease on life when he was reincarnated into another a slime named Rimuru Tempest. But with the help of his wits, his newfound powers, and a little luck, he's started building a cross-species village of goblins, direwolves, and dwarves! Rimuru doesn't know it yet, but his arrival is bringing major changes to his new world...
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