Yen Press Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai 1 (Light novel)

O knihe (light novela) v slovenčine:Zajačikové dievčatá nežijú v knižniciach. Toto je jednoducho zdravý rozum. A predsa je to presne tam, kde Sakuta na jednu z nich narazí. Keďže chce zistiť viac o tajomstve, ktoré obklopuje toto zajačie dievča a možno sa k nej trochu priblížiť, Sakuta spustí vyšetrovanie, aby zistil, prečo je neviditeľná pre všetkých naokolo. O knihe (light novela) v angličtine:Bunny girls do not live in libraries. This is simply common sense. And yet, that's exactly where Sakuta runs into one. Wanting to find out more about the mystery surrounding this bunny girl and maybe get a little closer to her in the process, Sakuta launches an investigation to figure out what's causing her to be invisible to everyone around them.
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