Yen Press Erased 05

O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Kým Satoru "hral o čas" počas spánku v kóme, čo sa stalo so životmi jeho detských priateľov, ktorí žili bez neho? Tento špeciálny ďalší diel Erased kontroluje životy Satoruových priateľov a väzby, ktoré utkali vďaka šanci na život, ktoré im ich "oživenie" dalo. O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:While Satoru was "betting time" asleep in his coma, what became of the lives his childhood friends lived without him? This special extra volume of Erased checks in on the lives of Satoru's friends and the bonds they wove thanks to the chances at life his "revival" gave them.
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