Yen Press Bungo Stray Dogs 10

O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Vojna s Gildou sa blíži ku koncu a konflikty s mafiou dosahujú dočasné prímerie. Avšak nečakaný sled udalostí stiahne Atsushiho a Kunikidu do nešťastnej konfrontácie s postavami z ich minulosti! Keď sa Armed Detective Agency tesne zachránila pred zničením Moby-Dickom, gang si na pomoc prizve starého ex-agenta a hackera, aby vyšetril väčšiu organizáciu...! O komikse (manga) v angličtine:War with the Guild draws to a close, and conflicts with the Mafia reach a momentary truce. However, an unexpected string of events drags Atsushi and Kunikida into an ill-fated confrontation with characters from their pasts! With the Armed Detective Agency having narrowly escaped obliteration by the Moby-Dick, the gang enlists help from an old ex-agent and hacker to investigate the bigger organization behind its descent...!
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