Yen Press Beginning After the End 6

O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Po brutálnom boji s hlavou Xyruskej dobrodružnej gildy, Kaspianom, Arthur konečne absolvoval skúšku na hodnosť a získal umiestnenie v B-ranku. Zdá sa však, že jeho výkon upútal pozornosť Gildy a jeho spolu-členov B-ranku, či už v dobrom, alebo v zlom... Medzitým sa vydáva na svoju prvú výpravu pod Jasmininým vedením - no čo ich asi čaká v Beast Glades?! O komikse (manga) v angličtine:After a fierce battle with the head of the Xyrus Adventurer’s Guild, Kaspian, Arthur has finally completed his rank examination and secured a B-Rank placement. It looks like his performance has turned a few heads, though, drawing the attention of the Guild and his fellow B-Rankers for better or worse... In the meantime, he sets out of his first quest with Jasmine’s guidance―but what could await them in the Beast Glades?!
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