Viz Media Promised Neverland 18

O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Deti z detského domova Grace Field House musia uniknúť strašnému osudu skôr, ako bude neskoro.Život v Grace Field House bol pre Emmu a jej spolužiakov dobrý. Hoci denné štúdium a skúšky, ktoré museli absolvovať, boli náročné, ich milujúci dozorca im poskytoval chutné jedlo a dostatok času na hranie. Ale keď objavia hrozivú pravdu o tom, prečo sú v detskom domove držaní, ich životy sa navždy zmenia...Emma a Ray sa ponáhľajú do kráľovej komnaty, aby zastavili Normanov plán, ale nie je už neskoro? Čo prinútilo Normana vydať sa takou brutálnou cestou a zmení to navždy jeho vzťah s jeho najbližšími priateľmi? O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it’s too late.Life at Grace Field House had been good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they had to take were tough, their loving caretaker provided them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But when they discover the horrifying truth about why they are being kept at the orphanage, their lives change forever…Emma and Ray race to the queen’s chamber to stop Norman’s plan, but are they too late? What has propelled Norman to take such a brutal path, and is it something that will forever change his relationship with his closest friends?
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