Viz Media Pluto: Urasawa x Tezuka 3

O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:V tomto odvážnom prepracovaní príbehového arcu "The Greatest Robot on Earth" z Osamu Tezukovej Astro Boy série, je svet miesto, kde spolu existujú ľudia a roboti. Životy siedmich veľkých robotov sveta - Atom, Mont Blanc, North No. 2, Brando, Hercules, Epsilon a Gesicht - sú obrátené hore nohami do virtuálnej záhrady teroru plnej krviprelievania a deštrukcie. Vrah im ide po krku, ale čo presne je jeho motív? Príbeh sa intenzifikuje, keď Pluto, menovec vládcu podsvetia, urobí svoj objav v tomto jemne vytvorenom diele vedeckej fikcie a napätia. O komikse (manga) v angličtine:In this daring reinvention of "The Greatest Robot on Earth" story arc from Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy series, the world is a place where humans and robots coexist. The lives of the seven great robots of the world--Atom, Mont Blanc, North No. 2, Brando, Hercules, Epsilon and Gesicht--are turned upside down into a virtual garden of terror filled with carnage and destruction. A killer is after them, but what exactly is his motive? The story intensifies when Pluto, the namesake of the lord of the underworld, makes his appearance in this finely crafted work of science fiction and suspense.
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