Viz Media My Hero Academia 20

O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Po All mightovom odchode do dôchodku sa Endeavor stáva hrdinom číslo jeden, po akej pozícii túžil celé roky. No s novou rolou prichádzajú aj nepríjemné povinnosti a riziká. Hrdinovia aj zloduchovia totiž vždy mieria na toho najlepšieho. Čo prinesie budúcnosť pre Midoriyu a čo znamenajú jeho sny o One For All? O komikse (manga) v angličtine:With All Might in retirement, Endeavor takes up the mantle of the number one hero, a position he’s coveted for years. But now that he has it, he’s not entirely comfortable with the responsibilities and risks that come with it—both heroes and villains are always gunning for number one. What does the future hold for Midoriya, and what do his dreams about One For All mean?
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