Viz Media Dr. Stone 4

O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Predstavte si, že sa prebudíte do sveta, kde celé ľudstvo bolo záhadne premenené na kameň...Po tisícročiach sa Taiju preberie a s pomocou svojho vedecky zanieteného priateľa Senkua sa snaží oživiť civilizáciu. Teraz hľadajú liek pre chorú dedinčanku Ruri, šamanku dediny. Získať najdôležitejšiu ingredienciu - kyselinu sírovú - bude pre nich život ohrozujúca výprava! Popri tom sa blíži Veľký bojový turnaj, kde víťaz získa trón náčelníka!Chcete sa dozvedieť, či nájdu liek pre Ruri a kto zvíťazí v turnaji? Prečítajte si viac! O komikse (Manga) v angličtine: Imagine waking to a world where every last human has been mysteriously turned to stone...One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many millennia later, Taiju frees himself from the petrification and finds himself surrounded by statues. The situation looks grim—until he runs into his science-loving friend Senku! Together they plan to restart civilization with the power of science!Senku and friends continue their quest to procure a sulfa drug panacea for Ruri, the village shamaness who is gravely ill! The toughest ingredient to obtain is sulfuric acid, the search for which will lead them on a death-defying journey! Meanwhile, the Grand Bout Martial Arts Tournament approaches, with the chief's throne offered as a prize to the winner!
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