Viz Media Assassination Classroom 14
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O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Čo dokáže zúbožená trieda outsiderov proti mimozemskému učiteľovi s jeho technológiami, bizarnými schopnosťami a... chápadlami?!Pristihli ste sa niekedy pri myšlienke: "Mohla by som toho učiteľa zabiť"?Čo by ste potrebovali, aby ste ospravedlnili takéto antisociálne správanie a týždne detencie? Zvlášť, ak je to najlepší učiteľ, akého ste kedy mali? Dáva vám päťku na teste? Zase vám blbo povie meno? A čo tak vyhodiť do vzduchu Mesiac a vyhrážať sa rovnakým osudom Zemi, pokiaľ ho najprv neodstránite?! A k tomu odmena od Ministerstva obrany – 100 miliónov?!Dobre, teraz, keď ste rozhodnutí... ako to dosiahnete? Trieda E a elita triedy A súperia o najviac zákazníkov na školskom festivale. Študentom z triedy E sa zatiaľ darí, napriek ich umiestneniu na vrchole hory. Potom príde prekvapivá návšteva známych tvárí, niektorých vítaných, iných… nie celkom. Dokáže si udržať vedúcu pozíciu v triede A syn riaditeľa Asana, Gakushu? Kto ho prípadne nahradí v nádeji, že povedie študentov k víťazstvu a zotročeniu slabých…? O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!Ever caught yourself screaming, “I could just kill that teacher”?What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he’s the best teacher you’ve ever had? Giving you an “F” on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name during roll call...again? How about blowing up the moon and threatening to do the same to Mother Earth—unless you take him out first?! Plus a reward of a cool 100 million from the Ministry of Defense!Okay, now that you’re committed... How are you going to pull this off? What does your pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat Teach’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!Lowly Class E and elite Class A compete for the most customers at their school festival booths. So far, the students of Class E are holding their own, despite their location on the mountaintop. Then a parade of familiar faces, some welcome and some…not so much…drop by with surprising consequences. Will Principal Asano’s son Gakushu be able to maintain his position as the illustrious leader of Class A? Who could possibly replace him in hopes of leading the students to victory and the subjugation of the weak…?
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