Viz Media A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow 5

O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Deň otvorených dverí Klubu Akvárium konečne prišiel a predstavenie žralokov zožalo veľký úspech. Koyuki je z víťazstva taká nadšená, že od radosti vyskočí. No prejaviť pred všetkými svoje pocity je pre ňu priveľa a nakoniec utečie. Našťastie, Koyukiina rodina a Konatsu ju prijímajú presne takú, aká je. A čím viac času spolu Koyuki a Konatsu trávia, tým viac si obe dievčatá v srdci nájdu miesto pre tú druhú. O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:The day of the Aquarium Club’s open house has finally arrived, and the shark show is a great success. Koyuki is so thrilled by the victory that she actually jumps for joy. But baring her feelings in front of everyone is too much for her to handle, and she ends up running away. Thankfully Koyuki’s family and Konatsu accept her just the way she is. And as Koyuki and Konatsu spend more time together, each of the girls finds a place in her heart for the other.
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