Vertical Inc. Ajin 2: Demi-Human

O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Bystrý stredoškolák s hrôzou zistil, že smrť je pre neho len opakovateľnou udalosťou – a že ľudstvo nemá s poločlovekom zľutovanie. Aby sa Kei Nagai nestal vedeckým experimentom po zvyšok svojho nekonečného života, musí hľadať iných svojho druhu. Ale za čo by stála komunita z nich?Zväzok 2 tiež obsahuje pilotnú kapitolu AJIN - File: 00 "The Shinya Nakamura Incident." O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:A bright high schooler has discovered to his horror that death is just a repeatable event for him - and that humanity has no mercy for a demi-human. To avoid becoming a science experiment for the rest of his interminable life, Kei Nagai must seek out others of his kind. But what would a community of them stand for?Volume 2 also included the AJIN pilot chapter - File: 00 "The Shinya Nakamura Incident."
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