Taschen Marvel Comics Library. Avengers 1963–1965

O komikse v slovenčine:Začiatkom roku 1963 boli základy Marvel vesmíru položené. Po predstavení Fantastickej štvorky v roku 1961 prišli úžasný (Spider-Man), ohromujúci (Ant-Man), podivný (Doctor Strange), neuveriteľný (Hulk), neporaziteľný (Iron Man) a mocný (Thor). Šéfredaktor Marvelu Stan Lee si však uvedomil, že niečo chýba. "Písal som o týchto postavách a pomyslel som si, že by bolo zábavné dať ich dokopy do tímu," spomína. Tak Lee a umelec Jack Kirby zostavili Iron Mana, Ant-Mana a Wasp, Thora a Hulka, aby vytvorili Avengers.Hneď bolo jasné, že tento tím je iný. Ak boli Fantastická štvorka rodinou, tak Avengers boli kolegovia, ktorých ste si nevybrali. Nie všetci si rozumeli - Hulk bojoval s každým - ale spoločnou prácou mohli poraziť tých najhorších Marvelových zloduchov, ako sú Loki, Kang Dobyvateľ, Masters of Evil a Immortus. Zostava sa neustále menila: Hulk odišiel, pridal sa Captain America a Ant-Man sa stal Giant-Manom. Potom sa záhadne stali hrdinami - a Avengermi - zloduchovia Hawkeye, Quicksilver a Scarlet Witch, a zakladajúci členovia skupiny šokujúco odišli a nechali Captaina Americu, aby viedol novovytvorených hrdinov.Prežite klasické skoré dobrodružstvá Avengers Nos. 1-20. TASCHEN sa pokúsil vytvoriť ideálne zobrazenie týchto kníh tak, ako boli vydané v čase ich vydania. Najkvalitnejšie komiksy boli rozbalené a odfotografované na reprodukciu v úzkej spolupráci s Marvelom a spoločnosťou Certified Guaranty Company. Každá stránka bola potom digitálne remasterovaná pomocou moderných retušovacích techník na opravu problémov s lacnou a nedokonalou tlačou tej doby - ako keby bola horúca z prvotriednej tlačiarne zo 60. rokov.Príbehy sprevádza originálny predhovor prezidenta Marvel Studios Kevina Feigeho a podrobná história nositeľa ceny Eisner Award Kurta Busieka, ktorá je ilustrovaná originálnou umeleckou tvorbou, málo vídanými fotografiami a vzácnymi dokumentmi. Táto mocná zbierka o najväčších hrdinoch Zeme je hodná Tony Starkovej knižnice - alebo tej vašej. O komikse v angličtine:By early 1963 the foundations of the Marvel Universe had been laid. Following the introduction of the Fantastic Four in 1961 came the amazing (Spider-Man), the astonishing (Ant-Man), the strange (Doctor, that is), the incredible (Hulk), the invincible (Iron Man) and the mighty (Thor). Still, Marvel editor in chief Stan Lee realized something was missing. “I was writing these characters and I thought it would fun to put them together in a team,” he recalled. So Lee and artist Jack Kirby assembled Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Thor, and the Hulk to create the Avengers. Right away it was clear this team was different. If the Fantastic Four were family, then the Avengers were the co-workers you didn’t choose. Not everyone got along―the Hulk fought with everyone―but working together they could defeat the baddest of Marvel’s bad guys, like Loki, Kang the Conqueror, the Masters of Evil, and Immortus. The lineup was ever changing: The Hulk departed, Captain America joined, and Ant-Man grew up to become Giant-Man. Then, remarkably, villains Hawkeye, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch became heroes―and Avengers―and the group’s founding members shockingly departed, leaving Captain America to lead the newly minted heroes. Relive the classic early adventures of Avengers Nos. 1–20 now available as a compact trade edition. TASCHEN has attempted to create an ideal representation of these books as they were produced at the time of publication. The most pristine pedigreed comics have been cracked open and photographed for reproduction in close collaboration with Marvel and the Certified Guaranty Company. Each page has then been digitally remastered using modern retouching techniques to correct problems with the era’s inexpensive, imperfect printing―as if hot off a world-class 1960s printing press. Accompanying the stories are an original foreword by Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige and an in-depth history by the Eisner Award-winning writer Kurt Busiek that’s illustrated with original art, little-seen photographs, and rare documents. This mighty collection about Earth’s Mightiest Heroes is worthy of Tony Stark’s library―or yours.
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