Seven Seas Entertainment A Stepmother's Marchen 3

O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Markíza Shuri Von Neuschwanstein dostala druhú šancu na posledných sedem rokov života a napravila svoj vzťah so štyrmi nevlastnými deťmi. Jej oddanosť je však opäť skúšaná, keď najstarší nevlastný syn Jeremy spácha čin, ktorý sa dá považovať za vlastizradu, a od cisárovnej dostane tvrdý trest. Shurinou jedinou možnosťou, ako Jeremyho zachrániť, je dosiahnuť, aby sa stal hlavou rodiny, čo by ju prakticky vyhnalo z panstva Neuschwanstein. Aby to však dokázala, musí opraviť množstvo zničených vzťahov z minulosti a navštíviť rodinu prvej manželky jej zosnulého manžela. Presvedčí ich, aby jej pomohli? A ak áno, uvidí ešte niekedy svoje nevlastné deti? Hit webtoon známy aj ako The Fantasie of a Stepmother! O komikse (manga) v angličtine:The marchioness Shuri Von Neuschwanstein got the chance to redo the last seven years of her life, and managed to mend her broken relationship with her four stepchildren. Her devotion is tested, however, when the eldest stepchild, Jeremy, commits an act that could be considered treason, and receives a harsh punishment from the Empress. Shuri’s only recourse to save Jeremy is to find a way to declare him the head of the household, effectively removing herself from the Neuschwanstein estate entirely. And to do that, she must mend a number of bridges she’d long ago burned, and visit the family of her late husband’s first wife. Can Shuri convince them to offer their aid, and, if so, will she ever see her stepchildren again? The hit webtoon also known as The Fantasie of a Stepmother!
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