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Scholastic US Sisters: A Graphic Novel
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O komikse v slovenčine:#1 bestseller New York Times od Rainy Telgemeierovej, držiteľa ceny Eisner Award, sprievodný komiks k Smile (Úsmev)!Raina sa nemôže dočkať, až bude staršou sestrou. Ale keď sa Amara narodí, veci nie sú celkom také, ako si myslela. Amara je roztomilá, ale je aj zlé a nevrlé bábätko a väčšinou sa radšej hrá sama. Ich vzťah sa v priebehu rokov príliš nezlepší, ale keď sa do obrazu dostane bábätko a neskôr sa niečo nezdá byť v poriadku medzi ich rodičmi, uvedomia si, že musia zistiť, ako spolu navzájom vychádzať. Sú predsa sestry.Raina v príbehu o svojom vzťahu so sestrou, ktorý sa odohráva počas cesty z ich domova v San Franciscu na rodinné stretnutie v Colorade, využíva svoj typický humor a šarm v sučasnosti aj v dokonale načasovaných flashbackoch. O komikse v angličtine:Raina Telgemeier's #1 New York Times bestselling, Eisner Award-winning companion to Smile!Raina can't wait to be a big sister. But once Amara is born, things aren't quite how she expected them to be. Amara is cute, but she's also a cranky, grouchy baby, and mostly prefers to play by herself. Their relationship doesn't improve much over the years, but when a baby brother enters the picture and later, something doesn't seem right between their parents, they realize they must figure out how to get along. They are sisters, after all.Raina uses her signature humor and charm in both present-day narrative and perfectly placed flashbacks to tell the story of her relationship with her sister, which unfolds during the course of a road trip from their home in San Francisco to a family reunion in Colorado.
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