Scholastic Piggy Desert Nightmare: An Original Graphic Novel

O komikse v slovenčine:Pripoj sa k Willow a Cami, keď unikajú zo pazúrov PIGGY pri vysoko rýchlostnej naháňačke cez púšť!Po vypuknutí záhadnej choroby, ktorá prevrátila svet hore nohami, Willow a jej tím, Silver Paw, urobili všetko, čo mohli, aby prežili. Keď sa Silver Paw dozvie, že ich spojenci na druhej strane mesta trpia super svrbivou vyrážkou, je na Willow a Cami, aby vystopovali vzácnu púštnu bylinu, aby zachránili svojich priateľov z ich škrabancov. Ale PIGGY je im na stopách a túži po pomste... Môžu Willow a Cami uniknúť z púšte v jednom kuse? Alebo púštne slnko zapadne nad koncom Silver Paw? O komikse v angličtine:Join Willow and Cami as they escape from the clutches of PIGGY on a high-speed chase through the desert!After the outbreak of a mysterious disease that's turned the world upside down, Willow and her team, the Silver Paw, have done all they can to survive. When word gets to the Silver Paw that their allies on the other side of town are suffering from a super itchy rash, it's up to Willow and Cami to track down a rare desert herb to save their friends from their scratchy stupor. But PIGGY is hot on their trail, and out for revenge... Can Willow and Cami get out of the desert in one piece? Or will the desert sun set on the end of the Silver Paw?
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