Scholastic Bendy Graphic Novel 1: Dreams Come to Life
Scholastic Bendy Graphic Novel 1: Dreams Come to Life
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O komikse v slovenčine:Nenechaj si ujsť pulzujúcu komiksovú adaptáciu bestsellerového young adult románu Bendy: Dreams Come to Life. Na základe úspešnej indie videohry Bendy!Sedemnásťročný Buddy strávil väčšinu svojho života snahou uniknúť z chudobných štvrtí Lower East Side v New Yorku. Ako doručovateľ, ktorý živí svoju rodinu, sa chce stať umelcom, a to je sen, ktorý si je istý, že sa nikdy nesplní. Všetko sa však zmení, keď ho práca doručovateľa postaví tvárou v tvár pánovi Joeymu Drewovi, excentrickému majiteľovi animačného štúdia. Pán Drew si Buddyho vezme pod svoje krídla ako učňa a vtiahne ho do sveta, aký Buddy nikdy predtým nevidel.Ale nie všetko v štúdiu je také dokonalé, ako sa zdá...Niečo v noci búcha v štúdiu Joeyho Drewa, niečo, čo zanecháva stopy hustého, tmavého atramentu. Kým štúdio zúfalo pracuje na svojom najnovšom termíne, Buddy a Dot, internistka, spoja sily, aby zistili, čo štúdio po večeroch trápi, aj keď to znamená sledovať stopu až k samotnému pánovi Drewovi.Fanúšikovia si nenechajú ujsť túto desivú grafickú novelu. Naplnené panelmi, ktoré budú prenasledovať tvoje sny! Ideálne pre mladých hráčov! O komikse v angličtine:Don't miss the pulse-pounding graphic novel adaptation of the bestselling young adult novel, Bendy: Dreams Come to Life. Based on the hit indie video game series, Bendy!Seventeen-year-old Buddy has spent most of his life trying to escape the Lower East Side slums of New York City. Working as a delivery boy to support his family, Buddy wants to become an artist, a dream he's sure will never be realized. But that all changes when a delivery job puts him face-to-face with Mr. Joey Drew, the eccentric owner of an animation studio. Mr. Drew takes Buddy under his wing as an apprentice, thrusting him into a world unlike anything Buddy has ever seen before.But not everything at the studio is as picture-perfect as it seems . . .Something is going bump in the night at Joey Drew Studios, something that leaves behind trails of thick, dark ink. While the studio frantically works toward their latest deadline, Buddy and Dot, the writing intern, team up to find out just what is tormenting the studio after-hours, even if it means tracking the trail to Mr. Drew himself.Fans won't want to miss this horrifying grapic novel adaptationPacked with panels that are sure to haunt your nightmares!Perfect for young gamers!