Orion Publishing Witcher 6: Tower of the Swallow - Witcher 4

O knihe v slovenčine:Svet upadol do vojny. Ciri, dieťa proroctva, zmizlo. Prenasledovaná priateľmi aj nepriateľmi, prevzala podobu maličkého lupiča a žije slobodne. Geralt z Rivie sa ponáhľa nájsť svoju zmiznutú chránenku, Ciri, v tomto štvrtom románe zo série Witcher, ktorá inšpirovala Netflix seriál a videohry. O knihe v angličtine: The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free.Geralt the Witcher races to find his missing ward, Ciri, in this fourth novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life. But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies determined to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous. There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting...
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