O komikse v slovenčine:Wolverine je pre mnohých rôznymi vecami, no pre jednu nechýrne slávnu enklávu bol iba zbraňou. A zbrane zabíjajú ľudí. Presne to aj tvrdo pocítili. Objavte to v tomto prequelle k nedávnym odhaleným vražedným záhadám, ktoré ohúrili nášho obľúbeného mutanta! O komikse v angličtine: Wolverine's a lot of things to a lot of people, but to one infamous enclave he was nothing but a weapon. And weapons kill people. They found that out well enough. Find out for yourself in this prequel to recent revelations of the murderous mysteries that have mesmerized our favorite mutant!COLLECTING: MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS 72-84