Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man By Jonathan Hickman 1: Married With Children
Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man By Jonathan Hickman 1: Married With Children
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O komikse v slovenčine:Najprekvapivejší príbeh Spider-Mana 21. storočia, ktorý zavedie Petra Parkera úplne novým smerom!Visionárny spisovateľ Jonathan Hickman (HOUSE OF X/POWERS OF X) a uznávaný umelec Marco Checchetto (DAREDEVIL) sa spojili, aby vám priniesli odvážny nový pohľad na Spider-Mana na úsvite prepracovaného v Ultimate Universe! Po udalostiach ULTIMATE INVASION svet potrebuje hrdinu... vstúp, Peter Parker! Ale toto je starší, múdrejší tkáč pavučín - ten, ktorý vyvažuje svoje kostýmové povinnosti so zodpovednosťou ako manžel a otec.Áno, Peter a Mary Jane sú manželia s deťmi! Stávky nikdy neboli vyššie - a keď Spider-Man čelí svojmu prvému superzloduchovi, J. Jonah Jamesonovo hľadanie toho, kto skutočne ťahá za nitky tohto nového Ultimate Universe, vedie k šokujúcemu odhaleniu! Navyše, New York City víta svojho najnovšieho hrdinu... Green Goblina!Obsahuje: Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) 1-6 O komikse v angličtine:The most surprising Spider-Man story of the 21st century, taking Peter Parker in a whole new direction!Visionary writer Jonathan Hickman (HOUSE OF X/POWERS OF X) and acclaimed artist Marco Checchetto (DAREDEVIL) unite to bring you a bold new take on Spider-Man, at the dawn of the reimagined Ultimate Universe! After the events of ULTIMATE INVASION, the world needs a hero…step forward, Peter Parker! But this is an older, wiser web-slinger — one who balances his costumed duties with his responsibilities as a husband and a father. That’s right, Peter and Mary Jane are married with kids! The stakes have never been higher — and as Spider-Man faces his first super villain, J. Jonah Jameson’s quest to uncover who is really pulling the strings of this new Ultimate Universe leads to a shocking revelation! Plus, New York City welcomes its newest hero…the Green Goblin!COLLECTING: Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) 1-6