Marvel Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Menace Revealed 3
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O komikse v slovenčine:Hviezdná hyperpriestorová vojna! Rada Jediov odhalila svoju úlohu v citlivom konflikte z minulosti - ale akú úlohu hral Obi-Wanov nedávno zosnulý mentor Qui-Gon Jinn? Medzitým sa Obi-Wan musí konfrontovať so svojimi pocitmi o Qui-Gonovej smrti, ak má trénovať svojho vlastného nového učeníka Anakina Skywalkera! Inak, dvojnásobný podvodník Villie Grahrk sa chváli nedávnym stretnutím s Radou Jedi - ale bude mu niekto veriť? Buď tak či onak, Villieho cesta sa opäť skríži s Jedimi, keď sa Aayla Secura stretne so svojím bývalým učiteľom Quinlanom Vosom v ich najsmrteľnejšom dobrodružstve! A legendárni žoldnieri Zam Wesell a Jango Fett sa zrazia, keď sa každý z nich pokúša o najväčší kšeft svojho života. Kto z nich zvíťazí? O komikse v angličtine:The Stark Hyperspace War! The Jedi Council have revealed their role in a sensitive conflict from the past — but what role did Obi-Wan’s recently deceased mentor, Qui-Gon Jinn, play? Meanwhile, Obi-Wan must confront his feelings about Qui-Gon’s death if he is to train his own new apprentice, Anakin Skywalker! Elsewhere, the double-dealing Villie Grahrk boasts of a recent encounter with the Jedi Council — but will anyone believe him? Either way, Villie’s path is about to cross with the Jedi again, as Aayla Secura reunites with her former teacher Quinlan Vos in their deadliest adventure yet! And legendary bounty hunters Zam Wesell and Jango Fett clash as they each try for the biggest score of their lives. Who will walk away?COLLECTING: Star Wars (1998) 36-45, Star Wars: Jedi Quest (2001) 1-4, Star Wars: Jango Fett (2002) 1, Star Wars: Zam Wesell (2002) 1
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