Marvel Miles Morales Spider-Man By Cody Ziglar 3

O komikse v slovenčine:Epická udalosť Gang War otriasa ulicami New York City - a svetom Milesa Moralesa! Veľké jablko je pod obliehaním, keď superzloduchovia a kriminálne gangy násilne rozdeľujú mesto na kusy. Milesova úloha? Zachrániť celý Brooklyn pred zničením! Ale medzi Škorpiónom, Cape Killers a Hobgoblinom, ktorý robí ťahy, je príliš veľa požiarov, ktoré by Miles mohol sám uhasiť. Možno by mu Ms. Marvel mohla podať pomocnú ruku? A keď sa Prowler dostane na bojisko, na koho strane bude? Keď sa to zhrnie, Miles je na kolíznom kurze s Hobgoblinom - a ak sa zločinecký majstrovský ťah podarí, bude najsilnejším superzloduchom v celom New York City! Plus: V Milesovom prostredí je zradca - a jediný akt zrady by mohol definovať zvyšok Spider-Manovho života! O komikse v angličtine:The epic event Gang War rocks the streets of New York City - and the world of Miles Morales! The Big Apple is under siege as super villains and criminal gangs violently carve the city up like pie. Miles Morales' job? Save all of Brooklyn from destruction! But between the Scorpion, the anti-super Cape Killers and the Hobgoblin making moves, there are too many fires for Miles to put out on his own. Maybe Ms. Marvel can lend a big hand? And when the Prowler enters the battlefield, whose side will he be on? When it comes down to it, Miles is on a collision course with the Hobgoblin - and if the maniacal villain's masterstroke comes off, he'll be the most powerful super villain in all of New York City! Plus: There's a traitor in Miles' midst - and a single act of betrayal could define the rest of Spider-Man's life! Collecting: Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2022) 13-16, Giant-Size Spider-Man (2024) 1
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