Marvel Loki: Where Mischief Lies

O knihe v slovenčine:Toto je prvý z troch románov pre dospievajúcich tínedžerov od autorky bestsellerov New York Times Mackenzi Lee, ktorý skúma nevyužitý potenciál a dualitu hrdinstva populárnych postáv vo vesmíre Marvel.Predtým, než sa postavil bok po boku Avengerov, mladší Loki zúfalo túži dokázať svoju hrdinskosť a schopnosti, hoci sa zdá, že všetci okolo neho ho podozrievajú z nevyhnutného zla a skazenosti... okrem Amory. Asgardská čarodejnícka učnica sa cíti ako spriaznená duša - niekto, kto si cení mágiu a vedomosti, kto v ňom možno uvidí to najlepšie.Ale keď Loki a Amora spôsobia zničenie jedného z najcennejších asgardských pokladov, Amora je vyhnaná na Zem, kde jej moc pomaly a mučivo zanikne. Bez jedinej osoby, ktorá kedysi považovala jeho mágiu za dar, a nie za hrozbu, sa Loki ešte viac ponorí do utrpenia a tieňa svojho všeobecne milovaného brata Thora.Keď sa v súvislosti so sériou záhadných vrážd na Zemi odhalí asgardská mágia, Odin pošle Lokiho na vyšetrovanie.Zostupujúc do Londýna 19. storočia sa Loki vydáva na cestu, ktorá ho vedie k viac ako len k podozrivému z vraždy, a stavia ho na cestu k odhaleniu zdroja jeho moci - a toho, kým má byť. O knihe v angličtine:This is the first of three young adult novels from New York Times best-selling author Mackenzi Lee that explores the untapped potential and duality of heroism of popular characters in the Marvel Universe.Before the days of going toe-to-toe with the Avengers, a younger Loki is desperate to prove himself heroic and capable, while it seems everyone around him suspects him of inevitable villainy and depravity . . . except for Amora. Asgard's resident sorceress-in-training feels like a kindred spirit―someone who values magic and knowledge, who might even see the best in him.But when Loki and Amora cause the destruction of one of Asgard's most prized possessions, Amora is banished to Earth, where her powers will slowly and excruciatingly fade to nothing. Without the only person who has ever looked at his magic as a gift instead of a threat, Loki slips further into anguish and the shadow of his universally adored brother, Thor.When Asgardian magic is detected in relation to a string of mysterious murders on Earth, Odin sends Loki to investigate.As he descends upon nineteenth-century London, Loki embarks on a journey that leads him to more than just a murder suspect, putting him on a path to discover the source of his power―and who he's meant to be.Complete your Marvel YA collection with these best-selling fan-favorite novels:Gamora and Nebula: Sisters in Arms by Mackenzi LeeMiles Morales: Spider-Man by Jason ReynoldsUnstoppable Wasp by Sam MaggsBlack Widow: Red Vengeance by Margaret StohlBlack Widow: Forever Red by Margaret StohlCaptain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster by Liza Palmer
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