Marvel Incredible Hulk Epic Collection: Fall Of The Pantheon
Marvel Incredible Hulk Epic Collection: Fall Of The Pantheon
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O komikse v slovenčine:Hulk ide k Hele a späť! Najprv Hulk a Pantheon čelia bolestnej - a až príliš ľudskej - strate. No čoskoro si samotná Hela nárokuje Hulka v asgardskom podsvetnom epose! Potom prichádza koniec éry, keď je Pantheon roztrhaný zvnútra! Agamemnon stojí pred súdom, jeden z nich padne a Hulkov hnev ho premení na divokého... Brucea Bannera?! Kým sa Doc Samson snaží zachrániť Bruceovu myseľ, Betty bojuje o život - a pripravuje sa pôda pre nový status quo. Vo svojom úkryte a snažiac sa zostať pokojný, Hulk čelí Man-Thingovi,Abomination a Punisherovi! Navyše: Hulk sa zúčastňuje na symbiotickom súboji s Venmom a pripája sa k Hankovi Pymovi a Wasp v skutočnom Príbehu na udiv! O komikse v angličtine:Hulk goes to Hela and back! First, Hulk and the Pantheon face a painful — and all too human — loss. But Hela herself soon claims the Hulk in an Asgardian underworld epic! Then, it’s the end of an era as the Pantheon is torn apart from within! Agamemnon stands trial, one among them falls and the Hulk’s rage transforms him into a savage…Bruce Banner?! While Doc Samson strives to save Bruce’s mind, Betty battles for her life — and the stage is set for a new status quo. In hiding and struggling to remain calm, the Hulk takes on Man-Thing, the Abomination and the Punisher! Plus: Hulk shares a symbiotic showdown with Venom, and joins Hank Pym and the Wasp in a true Tale to Astonish!COLLECTING: Vol. 21: Tales to Astonish (1994) 1, Incredible Hulk vs. Venom (1994) 1, Incredible Hulk (1968) 420-435