Marvel Deadpool by Daniel Way Omnibus 1

O komikse v slovenčine:Deadpool je úplne cool! Tým myslíme, Daniel Way je cool! Jeden z najdivokejších spisovateľov Wadea Wilsona začína svoju búrlivú jazdu v tomto omnibusovom zväzku nabitom šialenstvom. A vrhne sa priamo do hlbín s brutálnym zhadzovaním proti Wolverinovi! Potom Skrullovia napadnú Zem - ale nikto ich nevaruje pred Deadpoolom! Prečo to teda znamená, že Wade ide do vojny s Normanom Osbornom a jeho novým tímom krvilačných čiernych Thunderboltov? Ďalej, Deadpool chce byť X-Menom – a nenechá nikoho stáť v ceste. Dokonca ani X-Menov. A aj keď je spoločenský, prečo sa nechce znovu spojiť so Spider-Manom? To všetko plus Hit-Monkey - nájomný vrah, ktorý je opicou! O komikse v angličtine:Deadpool is Way cool! By which we mean, Daniel Way cool! One of Wade Wilson's wildest writers begins his riotous run in this Omnibus volume packed with Merc madness. And he dives straight in at the deep end with a brutal throwdown against Wolverine! Then, the Skrulls have invaded Earth - but nobody warned them about Deadpool! So why does that mean Wade's going to war with Norman Osborn and his new team of bloodthirsty, black-ops Thunderbolts? Next, Deadpool wants to be an X-Man - and he's not going to let anyone stand in his way. Not even the X-Men. And while he's being sociable, why not a good old-fashioned team-up with Spider-Man? All this plus Hit-Monkey - the hitman who is a monkey!COLLECTING: WOLVERINE: ORIGINS 21-25; DEADPOOL (2008) 1-26; THUNDERBOLTS (1997) 130-131; HIT-MONKEY (2010A) 1, (2010B) 1-3; DEADPOOL SAGA
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