Marvel Captain America: Return Of The Winter Soldier Omnibus

O komikse v slovenčine:Oceňovaná séria CAPTAIN AMERICA od Eda Burbakera sa končí!Bucky, James Buchanan Barnes, verný spojenec Captaina Americu, bol počas druhej svetovej vojny jedným z najväčších amerických hrdinov - až kým nebol podrobeným praniu mozgu a nestal sa sovietskym špiónom známym ako Winter Soldier. Teraz, po udalostiach FEAR ITSELF, je James opäť Winter Soldierom!Keď sa prebudia ruskí agenti a starí nepriatelia sa objavia s novými identitami, Winter Soldier a Black Widow sa stretnú s Dr. Doomom - a James musí zachrániť Widow pred jej vlastnou minulosťou! Ale aj s pomocou Wolverinea a Hawkeyea musí Bucky obetovať všetko, aby zachránil svoju lásku? Medzitým sa Captain America postaví Scourgeovi a Discordians, zatiaľ čo smrteľný zloduch z minulosti odhalí tajomstvo, ktoré trvá celé generácie hrdinov!Obsahuje: Captain America and Bucky (2011) 620-628, Fear Itself 7.1: Captain America (2011), Winter Soldier (2012) 1-5, Captain America (2011) 11-19, Winter Soldier (2012) 6-14, Fear Itself: Book of the Skull (2011) 1 O komikse v angličtine:Ed Brubaker's award-winning CAPTAIN AMERICA run concludes! As Captain America's staunch ally Bucky, James Buchanan Barnes was one of America's greatest heroes of WWII - until he was brainwashed into becoming the Soviet spy known as the Winter Soldier. Now, in the aftermath of FEAR ITSELF, James is the Winter Soldier again! When Russian sleeper agents awaken and old enemies resurface with new identities, Winter Soldier and Black Widow clash with Dr. Doom - and James must save the Widow from her own past! But even with help from Wolverine and Hawkeye, must Bucky sacrifice everything to save his love? Meanwhile, Captain America takes on Scourge and the Discordians, while a deadly villain from the past reveals a mystery spanning generations of heroes! Collecting: Captain America and Bucky (2011) 620-628, Fear Itself 7.1: Captain America (2011), Winter Soldier (2012) 1-5, Captain America (2011) 11-19, Winter Soldier (2012) 6-14, Fear Itself: Book of the Skull (2011) 1
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