Kodansha America Nina the Starry Bride 1

O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Ninu vytrhli z ulíc, pretože sa podobala na mŕtvu kňažku - ale je to šťastie alebo nový druh kliatby? Táto fantasy shojo manga, ktorá získala cenu Kodansha Manga Award, predstavuje prepletené konštelácie palácových intríg a nebezpečné romániky pre fanúšikov The Ancient Magus' Bride, The Apothecary Diaries a Snow White With the Red Hair.Nina mala v živote krušné začiatky, bola sirotou a kradla, aby prežila, len aby ju uniesli pre jej neobvyklé oči farby lapis lazuli. Ale na svoje prekvapenie jej zajatec, princ Azure, nariadil, aby žila život princeznej... konkrétne život nedávno zosnulej princeznej-kňažky Alishy, ktorá mala rovnaké oči ako ona. Napriek zmene svojho osudu sa Nina nevzdá svojho starého života bez boja. Azure by mohol byť tým jediným, kto sa jej konečne vyrovná, ale ako veľmi mu môže veriť? A môže zastaviť city, ktoré v nej vznikajú, keď vie, že sa nakoniec musí vydať za iného...? O komikse (manga) v angličtine:Nina was plucked off the streets because she resembled a dead priestess--but is this a lucky break, or a new kind of curse? Winner of the Kodansha Manga Award, this fantasy shojo manga features intertwining constellations of palace intrigue and perilous romance, for fans of The Ancient Magus' Bride, The Apothecary Diaries, and Snow White With the Red Hair. Nina had a rough start to life, orphaned and stealing to survive, only to be abducted for her unusual lapis lazuli eyes. But to her surprise, her captor, Prince Azure, ordained that she would live the life of a princess...specifically, that of the recently deceased princess-priestess, Alisha, who had her same eyes. Despite her changing fortune, Nina won't give up her old life without a fight. Azure might just be the one to finally match her wits, but how much can she trust him? And can she stop the feelings budding in her heart, knowing she must eventually marry another...?
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