Kodansha America I Got Reincarnated in a (BL) World of Big (Man) Boobs 1

O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Nagare Otokawa bol typický otaku lúzer posadnutý ženskými prsiami. Tragicky zomrel bez toho, aby zažil dotyky nádherných plných dekoltov, po ktorých celý život túžil. No netuší, že jeho želanie sa mu splní spôsobom, aký by nikdy nečakal. Nagare sa reinkarnuje ako fešák a rýchlo mu dôjde, že žije v (BL) svete plnom sexi (mužských) krásavcov. Napriek tomu sa vydáva hľadať a stláčať prsia svojich snov. Svojimi úmyslami síce skončí s tvárou zarytou hlboko v nádhernom dekolte, ale k jeho hrôze to sú fantastické svalnaté prsia superdrsňáka, Ryujiho Onizuku! Teraz sa Nagare musí snažiť vyhnúť záplave BL scenárov, ktoré sa mu rútia do cesty. Vytrvá a získa ženu svojich snov s poriadnym dekoltom, alebo podľahne drsnému, no zvodne svalnatému Ryujimu? O komikse (manga) v angličtine:Nagare Otokawa was an otaku loser obsessed with breasts. He tragically died never knowing the feel of the sweet, sweet bosoms he'd craved all his life. Little does he know, his wish is about to be granted in a way he never would have expected. Nagare gets reincarnated as a handsome guy and quickly realizes that he's living in a (BL) world full of sexy (male) beauties. Even so, he sets out to find and squeeze the bust of his dreams. He does, in fact, end up with his face planted deeply in some luscious cleavage, but to his dismay, it's the magnificent pecs of the super-muscular class delinquent, Ryuji Onizuka! Now Nagare must try to dodge his way past the barrage of BL scenarios that hurtle into his path. Will he persevere and get the busty girlfriend of his dreams, or will he end up falling for the all-man-yet temptingly bodacious-Ryuji?
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