Disney Press Gravity Falls: Lost Legends - 4 All-New Adventures!

O komikse v slovenčine:V originálnom grafickom románe, ktorý sa stal bestsellerom New York Times, nájdete štyri úplne nové a čudné príbehy z ospalého mestečka Gravity Falls.Kniha je napísaná Alexom Hirschom a rozprávaná Shmebulocom.Prvý príbeh, Face It, je o Pacifice, ktorá privolá monštrum, ktoré ukradne Mabelinu tvár. Druhý príbeh, Comix Up, rozpráva o Stanovi, ktorý uviazne vo svete komiksov. V Don't Dimension It sa Mabel ocitne vtiahnutá do multivesmíru plného rôznych Mabel. A v Pines Brothers: The Jersey Devil's in the Details sa mladý Stan a Ford pokúsia chytiť nadprirodzeného zlodeja klenotov. O komikse v angličtine:A collection of four all-new strange stories from the sleepy town of Gravity Falls in one original New York Times bestselling graphic novel. Written by Alex Hirsch. As told by Shmebulock.The first story, Face It, is about Pacifica summoning a monster who steals Mabel's face. The second story, Comix Up, is about Stan getting trapped in a world of comics. In Don't Dimension It, Mabel gets pulled into a multi-verse filled with many different Mabels. And in Pines Brothers: The Jersey Devil's in the Details, a young Stan and Ford attempt to catch a supernatural jewel thief.Illustrated by Asaf Hanuka, Dana Terrace, Ian Worrel, Jacob Chabot, Jim Campbell, Joe Pitt, Kyle Smeallie, Meredith Gran, Mike Holmes, Priscilla Tang, Serina Hernandez, Stephanie Ramirez, and Valerie Halla.
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