DC Comics Superman: Man of Steel 4

O komikse v slovenčine:Smelá nová interpretácia života a doby Muža z ocele, vytvorená legendárnym komiksovým spisovateľom a umelcom Johnom Byrnom – história Posledného syna Kryptonu už nikdy nebude rovnaká!John Byrne, známy svojimi runami na komiksoch Marvel Comics The Uncanny X-Men a The Fantastic Four, reinterpretoval Supermana pre novú éru, než pokračoval v kronikovaní dobrodružstiev Wonder Woman, Doom Patrol a The Demon pre DC Comics. Tento zväzok prináša epický záver jeho kriticky uznávanej série o Mužovi z ocele, s príspevkami komiksových tvorcov Jerryho Ordwaya (WildStar, THE POWER OF SHAZAM!), Rogera Sterna (Avengers, Spider-Man, ACTION COMICS), Rona Frenza (Spider-Man, SUPERMAN) a ďalších!Niektoré z najväčších Supermanových dobrodružstiev s obľúbenými postavami ako Wonder Woman, Batman, Supergirl, Doom Patrol a ďalšie!V tejto zbierke sa stretnete so Supergirl a dozviete sa, kto je a aké tajomstvá skrývajú jej sily! A Superman a Doom Patrol musia nájsť spôsob, ako ochrániť Smallville! Dokonca navštívia aj Krypton! O komikse v angličtine:A bold new reimagining of the life and times of the Man of Steel, crafted by legendary comics writer and artist John Byrne—the history of the Last Son of Krypton would never be the same! Famed for his runs on Marvel Comics' The Uncanny X-Men and The Fantastic Four, John Byrne reimagined Superman for a new age before going on to chronicle the exploits of Wonder Woman, the Doom Patrol and the Demon for DC Comics. This volume presents the epic conclusion to his critically acclaimed run on the Man of Steel, with contributions from comics creators Jerry Ordway (WildStar, THE POWER OF SHAZAM!), Roger Stern (Avengers, Spider-Man, ACTION COMICS), Ron Frenz (Spider-Man, SUPERMAN), and more!Some of Superman's greatest adventures featuring favorites like Wonder Woman, Batman, Supergirl, the Doom Patrol, and more! In this collection, meet Supergirl and learn who she is and what secrets her powers hold! And Superman and the Doom Patrol must find a way to protect Smallville! There's even a visit to Krypton! Collecting: Superman #16-22; Adventures of Superman #439-444; Action Comics #598-600; Superman Annual #2. Written by: John Byrne, Jerry Ordway, Paul Kupperberg, and Roger Stern Art by: Murphy Anderson, Ross Andru, John Beatty, Brett Breeding, John Byrne, Ron Frenz, Dick Giordano, Doug Hazlewood, Dennis Janke, Karl Kesel, Andy Kubert, Jerry Ordway, Mike Mignola, George Pérez, Kurt Schaffenberger, John Statema, Curt Swan, Ty Templeton, Keith Williams, and more.
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