DC Comics Static: Season One

O komikse v slovenčine:Šikanovaný nerd Virgil Hawkins nebol typ dieťaťa, ktoré by ste zvyčajne našli na uliciach na proteste - ale rovnako ako všetci ostatní v meste Dakota, bol z toho unavený. Bohužiaľ, prvýkrát, keď sa postavil, aby zdvihol hlas, sa svet otočil hore nohami. Experimentálny slzný plyn, ktorý bol v ten deň uvoľnený, zanechal niektorých jeho spolužiakov zmrzačených alebo mŕtvych... ale Virgilovi a dal ohromujúce nové schopnosti. Virgil má v sebe moc - skutočnú moc, schopnosť manipulovať s elektromagnetickými poľami.Ale horí v ňom aj hnev.Čo má robiť? A hlavne čo má robiť so svojimi šikanátormi, keď majú superschopnosti aj oni?Dynamický kreatívny tím nových hlasov vrátane spisovateľa Vita Ayala a finišéra Nikolasa Drapera-Iveyho sa pripája k veteránovi Milestone Media, umelcovi ChrisCrossovi, aby rozpovedal novú kapitolu príbehu o najikonickejšom čiernom tínedžerskom superhrdinovi v histórii komiksov. Rovnako ako každá klasická Milestone Story, aj táto vás zavedie na miesta, o ktorých ste sa nikdy ani nesnívali! O komikse v angličtine:At long last, the most famous face of the Milestone Universe makes his shocking return!Bullied nerd Virgil Hawkins wasn’t the kind of kid you’d normally find on the streets at a protest—but like everyone else in the city of Dakota, he was fed up. Unfortunately, the first time he stood up to raise his voice, the world turned upside down. The experimental tear gas released that day left some of his classmates maimed or dead…but it left Virgil, and others, with stunning new abilities. Virgil has power inside him now—real power, the ability to channel and manipulate electromagnetic fields. But there’s anger burning inside him, too. What is he supposed to do about all of this? And first and foremost—what is he supposed to do about his bullies, now that they’ve got superpowers too? A dynamic creative team of new comics voices including writer Vita Ayala and finisher Nikolas Draper-Ivey join Milestone Media veteran layout artist ChrisCross to tell a new chapter in the story of the most iconic Black teen superhero in comics history. Like every classic Milestone tale, it will take you places you could never dream! Includes Static (Season One) #1-6.
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