DC Comics Joker War Saga

O komikse v slovenčine:Gotham City sa mení na bojisko, keď Joker prenáša svoju vojnu proti Temnému rytierovi do ulíc a využíva Bruceovo Wayneovo bohatstvo na plne ozbrojený útok proti Batmanovi a jeho spojencom.Prečítajte si celý epos, ktorý obsahuje dlho očakávané stretnutie medzi Harley Quinn a Jokerovou novou priateľkou Punchline, návrat Nightwinga, debut novej postavy Clownhunter a mnoho ďalších nezabudnuteľných momentov!The Joker War Saga zhromažďuje celé dobrodružstvo od Jamesa Tyniona IV a Jorgeho Jiméneza Batman #95-100, plus príbehy z komiksov Batgirl, Red Hood a Outlaws, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Detective Comics a exkluzívne pre túto kolekciu, špeciál Batman: The Joker War Zone. O komikse v angličtine:Gotham City is a battleground as the Joker takes his war against the Dark Knight to the streets, using Bruce Wayne's own fortune to mount a fully armed attack against Batman and his allies.Read the full epic here, featuring the long-anticipated confrontation between Harley Quinn and the Joker's new girlfriend, Punchline; the return of Nightwing; the debut of new character Clownhunter; and many more can't-miss moments!The Joker War Saga collects the full adventure from James Tynion IV and Jorge Jiménez's Batman #95-100, plus tie-in stories from the pages of Batgirl, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Detective Comics, and exclusive to this collection, the Batman: The Joker War Zone special.
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