DC Comics Joker Compendium

O komikse v slovenčine:Arkham Asylum bolo napadnuté! Všetky oči sú upreté na Jokera.Tajomný dobrodinec najme bývalého komisára Gotham City Police Department Jima Gordona, aby sa vydal na celosvetové pátranie po klaunovi zločinu a možno ho dokonca aj zabil!Ale s Jokerom nič nie je jednoduché. To, čo Gordon nájde a čo mu Joker chce ukázať, zmení jeho pohľad na svet navždy. A nie je jediný, kto chce Jokera nájsť...Od uznávaného autora komiksov o Batmanovi a hororov Jamesa Tyniona IV (Detective Comics, The Nice House on the Lake, Something is Killing the Children) pochádza kompletná a desivá sága o Jokerovi, ktorá zlomila komisára Gordona a navždy predefinovala Klauna zločinu. S kresbami Guillema Marca, Francesca Francavillu, Giuseppe Camuncoliho a ďalších zažite horor v The Joker Compendium. Zbierka obsahuje Tynionovu Joker ságu zo stránok The Joker #1-15,The Joker 2021 Annual #1, Batman: The Joker War Zone #1 a Batman #100. O komikse v angličtine:Arkham Asylum has been attacked! All eyes are on the Joker.A mysterious benefactor hires former Gotham City Police Commissioner Jim Gordon to go on a global manhunt to catch, and possibly even kill, the Clown Prince of Crime!But nothing with the Joker comes easy. What Gordon finds and what the Joker wants him to see will change his perspective on the world forever. And he's not the only one who wants the Joker found...From acclaimed Batman and horror writer James Tynion IV (Detective Comics, The Nice House on the Lake, Something is Killing the Children) comes the complete and terrifying Joker saga that broke Commissioner Gordon and redefined the Clown Prince of Crime forever. With art by Guillem March, Francesco Francavilla, Guiseppe Camuncoli, and more, experience the horror in The Joker Compendium.Collects Tynion IV's Joker saga from the pages of The Joker #1-15,The Joker 2021 Annual #1, Batman: The Joker War Zone #1, and Batman #100.
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