O komikse v slovenčine:Batman: Joker War bol len začiatok!Arkham Asylum bolo napadnuté a všetky oči sú upreté na Jokera. Tajomný dobrodinec najme bývalého policajného komisára Gotham City Jima Gordona, aby sa vydal na celosvetovú honbu na zločinca… a možno ho aj zabil!Ale nič s Jokerom nie je nikdy také ľahké, ako sa zdá. To, čo Gordon nájde a čo mu Joker chce ukázať, zmení jeho pohľad na svet navždy. A nie je jediný, kto chce Jokera nájsť…Kto je zlovestná rodina Sampsonovcov? A kto je Vengeance, dcéra Banea, ktorá vzbudzuje strach v srdciach ľudí po celom svete?!Tento diel, ktorý vám prináša hviezdny kreatívny tím stojaci za komiksom Batman: Their Dark Designs, James Tynion IV a Guillem March, obsahuje špeciálne vydanie Year One flashback, ktoré spolunapísali Matthew Rosenberg (Legends of the Dark Knight) a Francesco Francavilla (Batman: The Black Mirror). O komikse v angličtine:Batman: The Joker War was only the beginning! Arkham Asylum has been attacked and all eyes are on the Joker. A mysterious benefactor hires former Gotham City Police Commissioner Jim Gordon to go on a global manhunt to catch…and possibly kill…the Clown Prince of Crime! But nothing with the Joker is ever as easy as it seems. What Gordon finds and what the Joker wants him to see…will change his perspective on the world forever. And he’s not the only one who wants the Joker found… Who are the wicked Sampson family? And who is Vengeance, daughter of Bane, striking fear into the world’s heart?! Brought to you by the all-star creative team behind Batman: Their Dark Designs, James Tynion IV and Guillem March, this volume includes a special Year One flashback issue co-written with Matthew Rosenberg (Legends of the Dark Knight) and Francesco Francavilla (Batman: The Black Mirror).