DC Comics Event Leviathan

O komikse v slovenčine:S prekvapujúcou ľahkosťou sa vrátila nová, nebezpečne agresívna tajná organizácia Leviathan a systematicky likviduje všetku konkurenciu. Staré metódy už neplatia. Teraz Leviathan obracia svoju pozornosť na pretvorenie sveta do svojej vlastnej radikálnej vízie poriadku. Dá sa zastaviť rast tejto novej hrozby? Pridajte sa k Lois Laneovej, ktorá vedie Batmana, Green Arrowa, Plastic Mana, Manhuntera, Questiona spolu s niekoľkými prekvapivými detektívmi v pátraní po mužovi, ktorý sedí za plášťom Leviathana. No kto ho nájde prvý, zajme ho alebo sa k nemu pridá? Brian Michael Bendis (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man, Superman, Daredevil) a Alex Maleev (Infamous Iron Man, Scarlet, Spider-Woman) spletajú svoju jedinečnú zmes noir kriminálky, aby otriasli samotnými základmi DC Universa v ich najnovšom majstrovskom diele, o ktorom sa bude hovoriť ešte roky! O komikse v angličtine: With startling ease, a newly dangerous and aggressive secret organization called Leviathan has returned and has been systematically wiping out all its competition. The ways of the old world no longer work. Now Leviathan is turning its sights to molding the world into its own radical vision of order. Can this new threat s growth be stopped? Join Lois Lane as she leads Batman, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Manhunter, the Question along with a couple of surprise sleuths in the search of the man who sits behind the cloak of Leviathan. But will whoever find him first capture him or join him? Brian Michael Bendis (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man, Superman, Daredevil) and Alex Maleev (Infamous Iron Man, Scarlet, Spider-Woman) weave their unique blend of crime noir to rock the DC Universe to its core in their latest masterpiece that will be talked about for years to come!
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