DC Comics DC Poster Portfolio Greg Capullo

O produkte v slovenčine:DC Comics predstavuje umelecké dielo superhviezdneho umelca Grega Capulla, ktoré obsahuje 20 jeho najúžasnejších diel s niektorými z najväčších superhrdinov a superzloduchov v histórii komiksov. Od Batmana cez Jokera až po Swamp Thing.Greg Capullo je ilustrátor samouk a súčasný umelec najpredávanejšej a veľmi uznávanej série Batman pre DC Comics. Predtým bol najlepšie známy pre jeho 80-dielnu sériu na Image Comics' Spawn, ktorý vytvoril Todd McFarlane. Medzi ďalšie populárne komiksové diela patrí X-Force a Quasar od Marvel Comics (ako aj množstvo jednorázových titulov). Je tiež tvorcom The Creech, sci-fi/hororového komiksu, ktorý vydáva Image Comics. Greg poskytol umenie pre World of Warcraft od Blizzard Entertainment, prispel k návrhom hlavných postáv pre ocenenú animovanú sériu Spawn od HBO, bol umelcom pre mnohé populárne hudobné skupiny vrátane Korn a Disturbed a pracoval v zákulisí na mnohých projektoch od hračiek po dizajn pre videohry pre TME. O produkte v angličtine:DC Comics presents the artwork of superstar artist Greg Capullo, featuring 20 of his most stunning pieces starring some of the greatest superheroes and super-villains in comics history. From Batman to the Joker to Swamp Thing, this poster book showcase is perfect for framing and display.Greg Capullo is a self-taught Illustrator and the current artist on the best-selling and highly acclaimed Batman series for DC Comics. Prior to that, he was best known for his 80 issue run on Image Comics' Spawn, created by Todd McFarlane. Other popular comics work includes Marvel Comics’ X-Force and Quasar (as well as a slew of one-shot titles). He is also the creator of The Creech, a Sci-Fi/Horror comic published by Image Comics. Greg has provided art for Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft, contributed lead character designs for the award-winning HBO animated Spawn series, was the cover artist for many popular musical groups including Korn and Disturbed, and worked behind the scenes on many projects ranging from toy design to video games for TME.
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