DC Comics Batman: Shadows of the Bat - House of Gotham

O komikse v slovenčine:Dve panstvá - Wayne Manor a Arkham Asylum dávali pozor na činnosti v meste Gotham City.Preskúmajte vplyv, ktorý Batman a Arkham Asylum mali na mesto... očami chlapca, ktorému Joker jednej strašnej noci na začiatku kariéry Temného rytiera navždy zmenil život!Joker zabil chlapcových rodičov a on prepadol cez trhliny systému. Namiesto toho, aby bol poslaný do zariadenia, ktoré by sa mohlo postarať o neho a jeho traumu, bol poslaný do Arkham Asylum! Je to cyklus násilia, na ktorý Temný rytier nemá odpoveď ako najzraniteľnejší problém, vďaka ktorému Gothamu udržuje hlavu nad vodou! Zhromažďuje celý príbeh Batman: Shadows of the Bat: House of Gotham z Detective Comics Detective Comics #1047-1058.  O komikse v angličtine:For a long time two houses have overlooked Gotham City, beckoning its broken: .Explore the impact that Batman and Arkham Asylum have had on the city…through the eyes of a boy whose life was changed forever by The Joker one dreadful night early in the Dark Knight’s career! A boy’s parents were killed by The Joker, and he fell through the cracks of the system. Instead of being sent to a facility that could care for him and his trauma, he was sent to Arkham Asylum! It's a cycle of violence the Dark Knight has no answer for as Gotham's most vulnerable struggle to keep their heads above water! Collects the complete Batman: Shadows of the Bat: House of Gotham story from Detective Comics Detective Comics #1047-1058.
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