Dark Horse Critical Role: Mighty Nein Origins - Yasha Nydoorin

O komikse v slovenčine:Uznávaná spisovateľka Cecil Castellucci sa spája s umelcom Williamom Kirkbym, s Matthewom Mercerom a Ashley Johnson z Critical Role, aby odhalili búrlivú minulosť Yashi Nydoorinovej z Mighty Nein v tomto samostatnom grafickom románe zo série Critical Role!Pre Yashi bola na obzore vždy búrka.Možno sa to začalo jej adopciou Dolorovcami v drsných krajinách Xhorhasu. Alebo možno vtedy, keď sa zamilovala do svojej prvej lásky, Zualy. Alebo ešte neskôr, keď ju smútok a šialenstvo vyhnali z jej dediny a von—niekam inam. Možno je však Yasha sama tou búrkou. O komikse v angličtine:Celebrated writer Cecil Castellucci joins artist William Kirkby, with Matthew Mercer and Ashley Johnson of Critical Role, to draw back the curtain on the tumultuous past of the Mighty Nein’s Yasha Nydoorin in this stand-alone graphic novel in the Critical Role series!For Yasha, there has always been a storm on the horizon. Maybe it formed with her adoption by the Dolorov people in the harsh lands of Xhorhas. Or perhaps when she fell for her first love, Zuala. Or still later, when grief and madness drove her from her village and out into—somewhere else. Maybe, on the other hand, Yasha IS the storm.
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