Dark Horse Berserk 12

O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Griffithova záchrana Band of the Hawks nepriniesla oddych. Griffith je teraz krehkou schránkou svojho bývalého ja a skôr objektom ľútosti ako mužom. Sokoly, ktoré počas jeho neprítomnosti držala pohromade tieseň a smrť, sú na pokraji rozpadu. No Griffithove sny a ambície, vybudované na mŕtvych telách jeho vojakov a nepriateľov, nezostali v ríši duchov nepovšimnuté. A hoci ako človek nemá kam ísť, budúcnosť ho možno predsa len čaká... budúcnosť na havraních krídlach v spoločnosti démonických lordov Božej ruky! O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:The Band of the Hawks’ rescue of their leader, Griffith, has brought them no ease. Broken beyond healing, a frail ghost of his former glory, Griffith is now more an object of pity than a man, and the Hawks, who’ve grimly hung together under duress and death during his absence, are now on the verge of splintering to the winds. But Griffith’s dreams and ambitions, built on the bodies of his troops and the countless enemies they have slain, have not gone unnoticed in the spirit realm, and though Griffith has nowhere to go as a man, he may yet have a future . . . a future borne on jet-black wings in the company of the demon lords of the Godhand!
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