Airship Raven of the Inner Palace 2 (Light Novel)

O knihe (light novele) v slovenčine:MENIACI SA VIETORHlboko v paláci sídli Havrania žena, ktorá ani nespí s cisárom, ani pred ním nepokľakne. Jusetsu, súčasná Havrania žena, premýšľa o svojom rozhodnutí neposlúchnuť rozkazy svojej predchodkyne. Avšak hrozný incident v paláci odhalí šokujúcu pravdu, o ktorej vôbec netušila. Kto je Uren Niangniang, bohyňa, ktorá Havraniu ženu zbavuje slobody? A kto je tá "Sova", ktorej sa tak veľmi bojí? O knihe (light novele) v angličtine:A CHANGING WINDDeep in the inner palace resides the Raven Consort, a woman who neither spends the night with the emperor nor kneels to him. Jusetsu, the current Raven Consort, ruminates on her decision to disobey her predecessor's orders. However, a gruesome incident inside the palace reveals a shocking truth that she was completely oblivious to. Just who is Uren Niangniang, the goddess who deprives the Raven Consort of her freedom? And who is this "Owl" that she fears so much?
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