Yen Press Holy Grail of Eris 2
351,50 €
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O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Vďaka pomoci ducha Scarlett Castielovej Constance unikla incidentu v Grand Merillian ako triumfujúca obeť. Dobré skutky však nie sú zadarmo a cena za Scarlettinu pomoc je pomsta! Hoci bola bezostyšne zlá, darebáčka je presvedčená, že bola obvinená z otrávenia korunnej princeznej - ale bez dôkazov má Constance ťažkú prácu. Možno by jej mohli poskytnúť nejaké stopy zvláštne okolnosti za zdanlivou samovraždou lady Lily Orlamundeovej… O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:Thanks to aid from the ghost of Scarlett Castiel, Constance escaped the incident at the Grand Merillian as the triumphant victim. Good deeds don’t come for free however, and the price for Scarlett’s help is vengeance! Although she was unabashedly wicked, the villainess is adamant that she was framed for poisoning the crown princess—but with no evidence, Constance has her work cut out for her. Perhaps the strange circumstances behind the apparent suicide of Lady Lily Orlamunde might provide some clues…