Yen Press Bungo Stray Dogs 5
377,15 €
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O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Kým Kyouka bojuje s démonmi svojej minulosti, visí nad mestom hrozba trojstrannej vojny medzi Armed Detective Agency, Guildou a Port Mafiou. Každá strana si upevňuje obranu, kto však získa iniciatívu a zasadí prvý zdrvujúci úder? Po útoku kolegov z Guildy by šance Agentúry na prežitie mohol odniesť vietor... O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:As Kyouka fights her past demons, the threat of a three-way war between the Armed Detective Agency, the Guild, and the Port Mafia looms. With each side fortifying their defenses, who will seize the initiative and land the first crushing blow? After an attack by the Guild's fellowcrafts, the Agency's chances for survival might just be gone with the wind...