Yen Press Black Butler 13

394,18 € Prejsť do obchodu
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O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Grófovi Cielovi Phantomhiveovi nečakane zachráni život jeho snúbenica, zručná šermiarka, pred zovretím čeľustí nemŕtvych na palube prekliatej lode Campania. Spoločne s nebojácnym komorníkom Sebastianom bojujú o prežitie. No čím bližšie sú k odhaleniu plánov Aurorskej spoločnosti na oživenie mŕtvych, tým skôr sa ocitnú tvárou v tvár nádhernému mladému Kaiserovi. Drží kľúč k celej záhade a jeho platinové vlasy vejú za ním ako neodolateľné tajomstvo... O komikse (manga) v angličtine:His betrothed's unexpected skill with a sword having narrowly saved him from a gory fate at the gnashing jaws of the undead, Earl Ciel Phantomhive, along with his intrepid butler, Sebastian, fights to see another day aboard the doomed Campania. But as they draw nearer to the heart of the Aurora Society's scheme to reanimate the dead, the pair are met by the beautiful young "Kaiser," who holds all the keys to this mystery in the palm of his gloved hand, platinum blond locks fluttering in his wake...

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