What If? The Original Marvel Series Omnibus 2
2 861,42 €
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O komikse v slovenčine:Dokončite svoju zbierku klasickej série, v ktorej najlepší a najjasnejší položili večnú otázku: Čo keby? Výsledkom boli akčné, podnecujúce myšlienky a často tragické zvraty vo vesmíre Marvel, ktorý poznáte! Ako by sa život Petera Parkera zmenil, keby žil strýko Ben alebo Gwen Stacy…keby jeho klon prežil…alebo keby uhryznutie pavúkom utrpela teta May? Čo keby Reed, Sue, Ben a Johnny nikdy nezískali svoje sily…alebo vôbec neexistovala Fantastická štvorka? Predstavte si, že The Thing a Beast naďalej mutujú, Matt Murdock sa stal agentom S. H. I. E. L. D., alebo Captain America sa stal prezidentom! Phoenix a Elektra neumierajú…ale Yellowjacket a Invisible Girl áno! Dazzler sa stáva Heraldom Galacta, Wolverine zabije Hulka, Iron Man je uväznený v minulosti, Thor sa stretáva s Conanom Barbarom…a ešte oveľa viac!Obsahuje: What If? (1977) 23-47 O komikse v angličtine:Complete your collection of the classic series in which Marvel’s best and brightest posed the eternal question: What If? The results were action-packed, thought-provoking and often tragic twists on the Marvel Universe you know! How would Peter Parker’s life change if Uncle Ben or Gwen Stacy had lived…if his clone had survived…or if Aunt May was bitten by the spider? What if Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny never gained their powers…or there was no Fantastic Four at all? Imagine if the Thing and the Beast continued to mutate, Matt Murdock became an Agent of S. H. I. E. L. D., or Captain America became President! Phoenix and Elektra don’t die…but Yellowjacket and the Invisible Girl do! Dazzler becomes the herald of Galactus, Wolverine kills the Hulk, Iron Man is trapped in the past, Thor meets Conan the Barbarian…and much more!COLLECTING: What If? (1977) 23-47