Viz Media Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills - The Manga

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O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Manga adaptácia románu Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills od Grega Rucku oživuje obľúbené postavy Baze Malbus a Chirrut Îmwe predtým, ako sa pripojili k Rebélii v blockbusterovom filme Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.Sila je so mnou a ja som jedno s Silou. – Chirrut ÎmweBaze Malbus a Chirrut Îmwe, strážcovia Whillsov v Kyberovom chráme na Jedhe, dúfali, že si zachovajú pokojnú rovnováhu aj napriek rastúcej prítomnosti Impéria v ich Svätom Meste. Napriek tomu sa im ťažko darí zostať verní Sile, keďže stormtrooperi ohrozujú prevzatie moci. Keď sa objaví rebel Saw Gerrera a ponúkne im šancu pomôcť Jedhe, Baze a Chirrut sa musia rozhodnúť, či sú ochotní urobiť kompromis pre mier, alebo je Sawov plán príliš riskantný?Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills predstavuje Bazea a Chirruta predtým, ako sa stretnú s členmi Rebélie, ktorí zvrátili priebeh boja proti Impériu v Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Spisovateľ Jon Tsuei a manga umelec Subaru oživujú príbeh pôvodu tohto obľúbeného dua v novej manga adaptácii na základe románu od Grega Rucku. O komikse (manga) v angličtine:The manga adaptation of the novel Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills, by Greg Rucka, revisits fan-favorite characters Baze Malbus and Chirrut Îmwe before they joined the Rebellion in the blockbuster film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.The Force is with me, and I am one with the Force.– Chirrut ÎmwePresiding over the Kyber Temple on Jedha, the Guardians of the Whills, Baze Malbus and Chirrut Îmwe, had hoped to maintain a peaceful balance despite the growing presence of the Empire in their Holy City. Yet they struggle to stay true to the Force as stormtroopers threaten to take over. When a rebel named Saw Gerrera appears offering them a chance to help Jedha, Baze and Chirrut must decide if they’re willing to compromise for peace, or if Saw’s plan is too dangerous to risk?Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills introduces Baze and Chirrut before they meet the Rebellion members who turn the tide in the fight against the Empire in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Writer Jon Tsuei and manga artist Subaru bring the origin story of this fan favorite duo to life in a new manga adaptation based on the novel by Greg Rucka.

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