Viz Media My Name Is Shingo: The Perfect Edition 3
858,85 €
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O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:Kultová sci-fi hororová manga od Kazua Umezza, tvorcu The Drifting Classroom, Orochi, a Cat-Eyed Boy!Keď v otcovej továrni začne pracovať priemyselný robot menom Monroe, Satoru je fascinovaný. Keď on a jeho priateľka Marin trávia viac času s Monroem, začnú mať podozrenie, že stroj je oveľa viac, než si ktokoľvek uvedomuje. Ale ani deti, ani dospelí nie sú pripravení na Monroeho násilné prebudenie sa do vedomia.Keď Satoru odíde do Niigaty a Marin do Anglicka, robot Monroe zostane v továrni sám. Opustený Monroe potom unikne a všetci traja priatelia sa ocitnú tvárou v tvár svetu bez seba navzájom. O komikse (manga) v angličtine:The classic science fiction–horror manga from the mind of Kazuo Umezz, creator of The Drifting Classroom, Orochi, and Cat-Eyed Boy!When an industrial robot named Monroe begins to work at his father’s factory, Satoru is fascinated. As he and his friend Marin spend more time with Monroe, they start to suspect there’s much more to the machine than anyone else realizes. But neither children nor adults are prepared for Monroe’s violent awakening into consciousness.When Satoru is dragged off to Niigata and Marin to England, the robot Monroe is left alone at the factory. The abandoned Monroe then escapes, leaving all three friends to face the world without one another.