Viz Media My Hero Academia 38

326,76 € Prejsť do obchodu
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O komikse (manga) v slovenčine:V zúfalom boji s All For One a jeho prisluhovačmi študenti UA tlačia svoje schopnosti na hranu. Zloduchovia majú všade navrch. Kým plávajúci ostrov UA padá z neba, Ochaco a Tsuyu bojujú s Himiko Togou a Midoriya sa postaví Tomurovi. Nová podoba All For One sa zdá nezastaviteľná a ak sa dostane k Tomurovi, všetko je stratené. Ale jedna hrdinka mu stojí v ceste... O komikse (manga) v angličtine:In the desperate battle with All For One and his minions, the U. A. students are pushing themselves to their absolute limits. Everywhere, the villains have the upper hand. As the floating U. A. island falls out of the sky, Ochaco and Asui fight Himiko Toga, and Midoriya squares off with Tomura. All For One’s new form appears all but unstoppable, and if he reaches Tomura, all is lost. But one hero stands in his way…

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