Viz Media King's Beast 5
299,46 €
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O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine:Ajin ženy nesmú slúžiť v paláci, takže Rangetsuina pomsta závisí od jej schopnosti udržať si klamstvo. Ale keď sluha Taihaku odhalí pravdu a tretí princ Kougai začne byť podozrievavý, príde Rangetsu o svoje miesto po boku princa Tenyoua a aj o šancu na pomstu? O komikse (Manga) v angličtine:Female Ajin are prohibited from serving in the palace, and so Rangetsu’s revenge depends on her ability to maintain her ruse. But when the attendant Taihaku discovers the truth and Third Prince Kougai’s suspicious are roused, will Rangetsu lose her place by Prince Tenyou’s side as well as her chance at vengeance?